
White papers

Quantitative risk assessment using the Surface method

Quantitative risk assessment using the Surface method

White paper ⋮ April 2024

Structured, reproducible, objective and verifiable is Circle Networks' numerical risk assessment for continuous system monitoring and development support.

Sustainable software development using C

Sustainable software development using C

White paper ⋮ December 2023

The programming language C is more than half a century old. Yet, it is unbeatable when it comes to sustainability, both in terms of the environment, and for formal development of security critical systems.

Network diagram legend

Network diagram legend

Data sheet ⋮ February 2022

Overview of network diagram symbols with meaning and proposed annotations.

Network diagram legend

Network diagram legend

Data sheet ⋮ January 2022

Overview of network diagram symbols with meaning and proposed annotations.

Standardised symbology for network diagrams

Standardised symbology for network diagrams

White paper ⋮ January 2022

Every technical disciplin has its own standardised symbology — only network technology so far does not. Circle Networks thus introduced uniform symbols for network diagrams.

Attack surfaces and attack vectors

Attack surfaces and attack vectors

White paper ⋮ October 2021

What is an attack vector? What is the attack surface and is it necessary, to keep it as small as possible? There are many contradictory answers. Circle Networks uses simple and practical definitions for both.

Assessing IT security risks

Assessing IT security risks

White paper ⋮ August 2021

The assessment of IT security risks is often complicated and many models are contradictory. Circle Networks' risk assessment model uses simple terminology and helps to practically rank risks.

Network diagram legend

Network diagram legend

Data sheet ⋮ January 2019

Overview of network diagram symbols with meaning and proposed annotations.

Standardised symbology for network diagrams

Standardised symbology for network diagrams

White paper ⋮ January 2019

Every technical disciplin has its own standardised symbology — only network technology so far does not. Circle Networks now introduces uniform symbols for network diagrams.