Our concept
The vision of carefree networking
The key to secure-by-design networking is the transparent integration of proven technologies with the network devices themselves, like gateways, switches and network-attached storage.
Secure networks protect out-of-the-box. They help small enterprises to reduce installation costs and eliminate configuration mistakes that otherwise can leave the network vulnerable after all.
In combination with certified products for classified data handling, cost-efficient networks for processing restricted data according to the German 'VS-NfD' standard are easily set up.
Corporate use cases
Cost-effective networks for VS-NfD
With a few devices only, local and remote access to classified data at the restricted level (German VS-NfD) is created — including video conferencing.
To the VS-NfD-classified data use case
Enabling remote work with a single gateway
To enable remote access for co-workers from anywhere in the world, it only takes a single gateway.
To the remote access use case
Saving company data with cryptographic storage
An encrypting network-attached storage protects your data against ransomware, but also against system failure and personal mistakes.
To the data protection use case
To leverage digitalisation, no-one needs to become a security expert. Because Circle Networks makes security an integral part of the network.
The secure difference
Plug and protect
Traditional cybersecurity strategies separate a local network into various parts by adding firewalls, most oftenly creating new vulnerabilities because of inappropriate configuration. Remote connections are facilitated by VPN tunnels at the outer perimeter of the network. For security reasons, many companies feel forced to rule out local wireless networks in the first place.
The key to simplified network architectures and thus reduced cost at improved security is the integration of protective technologies with the network devices, rather than locating them on additional firewalls and VPN clients. With the network becoming a security device itself, attacks by intruders from a compromised host within the local network can be prevented, whereas firewalls only protect when zoning boundaries are being crossed and VPN solutions only protect against attackers from outside.
Secure networks connect all machines, wired and wireless, across zones and locations, covering the functionality of internal firewalls, network address translation (NAT) routers, and data protection. The result is a simpler network: easier and more cost-effective to operate, with improved security and increased user friendliness.